
Chapter 11, "Confessions of Fausto Maijstral," takes place in the city of Valletta, the capital of Malta. In his own words, Fausto relates his development as a person (or rather, as a number of different persons) over time, focusing on the years after the birth of his daughter, Paola, and the bombing of Malta in 1943, during which his wife dies. In his earlier incarnations, Fausto compares the invasion of the rest of the world into Malta to the Great Siege of 1565. At the end of the chapter, Fausto relates how he watched Victoria Wren, now a half-inanimate incarnation of V., taken apart by children and did not help her.

Among other things, Fausto includes the lyrics to a song sung to a march called Colonel Bogie:

Has only one left ball,
Has two but they are small;
Has something similar,
But Goebbels
Has no balls
At all. . . .
(p. 325)

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